The world’s most ambitious autonomous vehicle trial
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Automated Bus Service

CAVForth is the world’s most ambitious automated vehicle pilot, featuring full sized automated buses operating at AV Level 4 autonomy. Fusion is leading a consortium of partners to build, test and deliver a scheduled service over a 30 mile route with five autonomous buses.Working closely with; Stagecoach Group, Alexander Dennis, Transport Scotland, Napier University and the Bristol Robotics Lab.

Alexander Dennis built five bespoke E200 43-seater buses, equipped with the latest Fusion Processing CAVstar automated drive system which will provide true AV Level 4 autonomy to the vehicles.

As part of the CAVForth Project the partners put together a comprehensive safety case which includes the key domains: Autonomous Drive System, Vehicle, Infrastructure and Operation. The safety case took account of the relevant standards including ISO26262 Functional Safety and ISO21448 Safety Of The Intended Functionality (SOTIF), PAS1880,1881,1882 and 1883 whilst also accounting for the latest developments in Cyber security and emerging standards relating to automated vehicles.



Delivering A Robust Service

The partners involved in project CAVForth:

  • Fusion Processing Ltd - Project lead and automated drive system provider
  • Alexander Dennis Ltd - vehicle manufacturer
  • Stagecoach Group Plc - fleet operator
  • Transport Scotland - highways management
  • Edinburgh Napier University - community research 
  • Bristol Robotics Laboratory, UWE - simulation 

Starting in the second half of 2022, the autonomous bus service operated on the trunk road network from the Ferrytoll Park and Ride facility in Fife, across the Forth Road Bridge Public Transport Corridor, to Edinburgh Park.

Travelling mostly on motorways controlled by Transport Scotland, the single deck automated buses were required to safely interact with other traffic in a live road environment, negotiating junctions and bus stops while carrying fare-paying passengers at speeds of up to 50 mph.

As a partner in Project CAVForth and roads authority for most of the route, Transport Scotland designed and implemented infrastructure measures required to support the scheme, undertook liaison and relationships with local roads authorities and used the facilities of the Traffic Scotland National Control Centre at the south end of the Forth Road Bridge to monitor the trial live, providing incident management response if required, and facilitated education, project information and the dissemination of learning relating to Project CAVForth. Estimated to cost around £6.1m, Project CAVForth was part-funded by the Centre for Connected and  Autonomous Vehicles (CCAV), delivered in partnership with Innovate UK. It was part of the UK Government’s £100 million Intelligent Mobility Fund, supporting the Future of Mobility Grand Challenge.

Intelligent Sensing And Control Systems For Autonomous Vehicles

The world's leading provider of AV Level 4 technology for autonomous buses



Fusion Processing continues to develop state-of-the-art technology to automate vehicles and improve the safety of vulnerable road users.



ADAS: We apply our automated tech and knowhow to regular driven vehicles.

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