Electric automated bus – E100
CAVstar systems on E100 buses

ENVIRO100 Electric Bus
Intelligent Sensing And Control Systems For Automated Vehicles
The world's leading provider of AV Level 4 technology for automated buses
Fusion Processing continues to develop state-of-the-art technology to automate vehicles and improve the safety of vulnerable road users.
ADAS: We apply our automated tech and knowhow to regular driven vehicles.
News and stories from Fusion along with industry articles and features
Fusion Processing crunches the data on HGV platooning trial
Fusion Processing announces participation in critical HelmUK platooning trial. £8.1 million project will feature bespoke...Continue reading
Safer buses – tomorrow’s tech, ready today
Fusion Processing are world leaders in autonomous vehicles, our sensing and control system, CAVstar® is...Continue reading
Happy New Year, and what a year 2019 is set to be!
Across the Fusion Processing team, we’re working on some incredible projects. Some we can share,...Continue reading