Fusion Processing, Alexander Dennis and Stagecoach Group showcase autonomous bus in action Technology demonstrator paves...Continue reading
Category: Blog
And that’s a wrap!
As an exciting 2020 kicks off it’s time to take stock of 2019 and draw...Continue reading
CAV Scotland summit
CAV Scotland 2019 took place at the Scottish Events Campus in Glasgow in November, providing...Continue reading
Edinburgh to be most ‘driverless’ city in the world
As reported by the Scottish Mail on Sunday Thanks to the CAVForth project and our...Continue reading
Fusion Processing crunches the data on HGV platooning trial
Fusion Processing announces participation in critical HelmUK platooning trial. £8.1 million project will feature bespoke...Continue reading
Safer buses – tomorrow’s tech, ready today
Fusion Processing are world leaders in autonomous vehicles, our sensing and control system, CAVstar® is...Continue reading
Happy New Year, and what a year 2019 is set to be!
Across the Fusion Processing team, we’re working on some incredible projects. Some we can share,...Continue reading