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The latest updates from fusion processing
Fusion Processing crunches the data on HGV platooning trial
Fusion Processing announces participation in critical HelmUK platooning trial. £8.1 million project will feature bespoke...Continue reading
Safer buses – tomorrow’s tech, ready today
Fusion Processing are world leaders in autonomous vehicles, our sensing and control system, CAVstar® is...Continue reading
Happy New Year, and what a year 2019 is set to be!
Across the Fusion Processing team, we’re working on some incredible projects. Some we can share,...Continue reading
Fusion Processing continues to develop state-of-the-art technology to automate vehicles and improve the safety of vulnerable road users.
ADAS: We apply our automated tech and knowhow to improve the safety and efficiency of human driven vehicles.
Automated Drive Systems for commercial vehicles
The world's leading provider of AV Level 4 technology for autonomous buses