Introducing the CAVStar® Automated Drive System
A full stack system comprised of Fusion Processing’s proprietary AI, software, processing and control units plus sensors and communication modules. CAVstar® can be applied to any modern vehicle design: controlling the steering, braking and powertrain systems to safely drive the vehicle in a wide range of scenarios on and off highway where it provides SAE Level 4 capability allowing driver-out operation
> Reduce operational costs
> Improve safety by removing human error
> Improved fuel/energy efficiency through consistent, gentle driving style
Fusion Processing continues to develop state-of-the-art technology to automate vehicles and improve the safety of vulnerable road users.
ADAS: We apply our automated tech and knowhow to regular driven vehicles.
Automated Drive Systems for commercial Vehicles
The world's leading provider of AV Level 4 technology for automated buses
News and stories from Fusion along with industry articles and features
And that’s a wrap!
As an exciting 2020 kicks off it’s time to take stock of 2019 and draw...Continue reading
CAV Scotland summit
CAV Scotland 2019 took place at the Scottish Events Campus in Glasgow in November, providing...Continue reading
Edinburgh to be most ‘driverless’ city in the world
As reported by the Scottish Mail on Sunday Thanks to the CAVForth project and our...Continue reading